Watchguard Firebox XTM 8 Series
I made the backup with lan interface configured to a static ip and dhcp server on. Good to know, when configure em0 to wan and em1 to lan, than em0 is port0 and lan is port 4 of interfaces in front of the Watchguard XTM 8 Series. ;)
Hmm, that's slightly odd about the ports being 1 and 4. The numbering in pfSense is determined by he order in which they're probed..
I'm confused as to what you did to get that bootlog, I've forgotten quite where we were. ::)
So firstly it includes some information about the serial redirect module which is something I've not seen on any other box.
I assume that you got this from the rear com port whilst booting the Nano-VGA image. In which case I think it's safe to assume that it only got there by being redirected by the module (which is set to continue after boot). That could explain why you don't see anything after 'bootup complete'. The redirect module can only handle basic text so perhaps the menu is drawn in some way that it can't handle?See:
Seems to imply that simply selecting the I/O address of the port selects the com port. That's why I was hopeful that changing the port address in the bios would suffice. It seems not. :-\Steve
Yes, its from the rear com port. Baudrate 118200 is showing system initializing and bios and the first boot process only to the question how to boot. At this point the boot must interupt with 7 and tell the box to use comconsole for output. After this command the baudrate must set to 9600 and it is showing the rest and stops with "Boot completed".
But now we know the way and i think with my backup from the default installation there is no need to do complete serial output. But i will test more in the new year.
Ah, maybe similar to the serial quirk then:
In the X-core box that stops in exactly that place.Even if it's not necessary to have access to the serial console it's very useful to have it in case you are locked out of the webgui.
Not at home for christmas. Will test it in a few days.
merry xmas!
Any updates ???
I'm looking at an XTM810 and would like to know the ins and outs which seem it may need a bit a messin about but the end product is well worth it!
Hey guys,
I have recently bought an XTM 810. I can get it to boot but I lose video & console input.
Can see boot loader, can see first pfSense options menu, after this I lose video and it continues to boot completely with the startup noise. (The video and input disappear after the first pfSense options menu.)So I press 7 to exit to shell. But when I type:
set console=comconsole… I lose all video and control. This is noted to be due to it redirecting output to COM1 which is a blank header at the front of the board. COM2 at the back as discussed. Note: I have tried Putty at 9600 and tried comconsole_speed="115200" in /boot/loader.conf and /boot/loader.conf.local.
My question is: How did you get it to use COM2 instead of COM1?
On another note, angelkiller, if you get stuck at the step "Bootup complete", on other Watchguard products, as a work around with this serial quirk you can Control+C the bootup right before "Bootup complete", and then run /etc/rc.initial via command. This will give you the configuration menu and allow you to setup the interfaces and IP addresses.
Scott -
Replied to your PM before I read this. ::)
I don't think anyone has got com2 to work yet, Angelkiller used a Nano+VGA image I think. However JimP rcently posted a possible method for changing com ports:
Hey Guys,
I bought off eBay this item:
It makes life so much easier. It works with both the XTM 5 and the XTM 8 series.
USB ports work on both devices. You can access the BIOS etc.I bought another 4 of these today. My plan is to case-mod the chassis of all my boxes and permanently add this to the side of the box. Honestly, it is the best money I have ever spent.
XTM 8 works great out of the box with nano-bsd vga, and this vga header cable.
Scott -
Thanks for the link. Good to know. :)
I'll have to keep this in mind for down the road. Don't really need VGA as the serial works rather well on the XTM 5, but always nice to have options.
I'm back!
I see there's been some good activity and progress on here with the XTM 8's now more readily available :)
I'm still stuck with my duff XTM 8 but I now want it working!
I tried various SPI programmers but got nowhere, is my only option to source a bios chip and replace my current one or is there an easier way?
Considering the bios chip is a SMD and therefore it will be very hard to remove/replace :(
Eamon -
Welcome back! ;)
Perhaps you could remind us of your stuation, what have you tried so far. Did you ever try the '4 resistors' parallel port meathod? Have you tried any software other than flashrom?Steve
Thanks :)
Ok so I flashed the Bios, it gave an error, I tried to reflash it back to normal but no joy, rebooted and now it's in an endless reboot loop without completing POST :(
I never did try the 4 resistor method, would this work do you think?
Unable to try any other software on the XTM 8 as it won't boot to a command prompt :(
When I bricked my xtm5 the 4 resistors/parallel port connection was the only thing that worked. Though I only tried one other thing! I know when you first had trouble you tried various versions of flashrom, any of them show anything different?
Did you try anything other than flashrom via the SPI connector?Steve
Eams thanks for this topic , it's really help me .
No Probs Jimkisa, - stephenw10 helped too :)
Flashrom is what got it bricked, so since then I tried a couple of SPI programmers (BlackCat and some other one off ebay - has no name on it but it had good reviews on the net).
The software for both were pretty much garbage and I couldn't get anywhere with them.
Whats needed for the parallel port hack? I might as well give that a try!
It's on the website I linked to:
Might have to use the way back machine. The site now seems to be behind some security. (Edit: looks legit. I forgot it's in Czech though!)You need: a parallel port plug, 4 resistors, a cable/connector to connect to the SPI header and something to solder it together. Perhaps harder to find these days is anything with a parallel port on it to run flashrom. I happened to have an old laptop running FreeBSD 8.1 I was using for pfSense development that fitted the bill.
Thanks for the link Ste.
The security is just a Captcha form. Get past and the info is all there in Czech!
I did find this thou which looks to be the same
I'll try and give that a go at the weekend.
I think my old laptop has a parallel port on it. If not I've deffo got one on a old Abit VP6 computer I have :)