CRITICAL: postfix fails to start after upgrade to 2.03 release [solved]
That's correct. On two different PF boxes running postfix, AFTER I removed postfix through the gui, the above reference to postfix remained in the pkg_info output. I did a pkg_delete -f … on it, rebooted, reinstalled postfix, enabled it, rebooted. postfix ran. I added nut and pfblocker back as well. Re-enabled pfblocker, started nut from the services screen. Rebooted, -- all up and running normally on both boxes.
See my previous post as I changed it.
Glad I could help.
Talk about belt-and-suspenders. Makes me wish each package that was a vm guest that was its own iso/appliance. As hard as the open source world tries to deal with 'dependency hell' it just never seems to work out of the workbench environment.
Talk about belt-and-suspenders. Makes me wish each package that was a vm guest that was its own iso/appliance. As hard as the open source world tries to deal with 'dependency hell' it just never seems to work out of the workbench environment.
On 2.1 pbi packages will be much easier…
I'm testing firmware upgrade on one of my 3 inbound smtp servers and I it's stuck on upgrade process.
I found a mtree process that is "indexing" /usr dir with 60bg of dcc log from mailscanner package.
For next 2 boxes upgrade I'll remove these folders before the update and remove all packages as well.