Firewall Logging Ceased
Firewall logging ceased. Last entry May 14 20:20:59. Nearly 24 hours ago.
At 22:36 a WoL entry was added. Looks like that kick off a firewall sync. But see no reason that should cause it to stop logging.
Any ideas?
System Log:
(shortly before and after last log entry)
May 14 18:55:12 root: is beginning the update cycle.
May 14 18:55:16 root: Bogons V4 file downloaded: 40 addresses added.
May 14 18:55:16 root: Bogons V4 file downloaded: 26 addresses deleted.
May 14 18:55:17 root: Bogons V6 file downloaded: 74525 addresses added.
May 14 18:55:17 root: is ending the update cycle.
May 14 22:21:12 php: /index.php: Successful login for user 'admin' from:
May 14 22:21:12 php: /index.php: Successful login for user 'admin' from:
May 14 22:28:10 kernel: pflog0: promiscuous mode disabled
May 14 22:36:27 check_reload_status: Syncing firewall2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Mon May 13 00:52:14 EDT 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p8 -
Does it start again if you clear the log file, and/or press Save on the settings tab in the logs?
Yes. Turned off then back on in settings tab and that restarted it.
Would have been nice to have a notification that it wasn't running.