*Onsite: After Upgrade, DNS not working for DHCP clients
Hello all!
Hopefully you can help here : I upgraded the pf box this weekend and all seemed to have gone well except now all machines with DHCP leases have no DNS translations. I've tried to manually assign DNS on a workstation but nothing. I checked the firewall rules and there is nothing blocking DNS.
Upgraded to what? 2.0.3? 2.1 snapshot? Something else?
Is the DNS Forwarder service on (Services > DNS Forwarder) and is it running (Status > Services)?
Can you resolve hostnames using Diagnostics > DNS?
Check the DNS Servers under System > General, make sure they're set properly and use the correct gateway(s).
Upgraded to what? 2.0.3? 2.1 snapshot? Something else?
Sorry - was in the middle of setting up an old router as a bandaid to get clients up and running.
Upgraded to 2.0.3
Is the DNS Forwarder service on (Services > DNS Forwarder) and is it running (Status > Services)?
Can you resolve hostnames using Diagnostics > DNS?
YesCheck the DNS Servers under System > General, make sure they're set properly and use the correct gateway(s).
Yes, nothing changed and i even used same settings on old router (temp) which works just fine
I can traceroute and use DNS diagnostics on teh web GUI, however any machine (PC, MAC, Net Drives) can not access the internet. I tried even manually changing the DNS settings to the workstions/desktops to Google DNS, that did nothing. Traffic is not allowed i smy guess.
I've tried restoring from a month old configuration which was saved before the upgrade… no difference.
I'm new tyo pfSense and was not the original installer - I inherited this along with the new client. Any help here would be greatly apprecioated. I'm about to try resetting to factory defaults =, test then restore again the configuration.