Package installation Problems
I get the following message when I try to inatall a package:
Downloading package configuration file… done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading spamd and its dependencies... done.
Checking for successful package installation... failed!Installation aborted.
Current version of PFsense is 1.0Beta1 2rc5
I have done the automatic updates "beta" and it comes back and says no updates of firmware available.
Can someone help in resolving the issue.
install one off these upgrades -
install one off these upgrades installing this snapshot traffic-shaping does not work anymore!
There are config-errors and rules can't load.
The log-file shows:php: : There were error(s) loading the rules: pfctl: real-time sc exceeds 80% of the interface bandwidth (268.80Kb) /tmp/rules.debug:22: errors in queue definition pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded - The line in question reads [ real-time sc exceeds 80% of the interface bandwidth (268.80Kb) /tmp/rules.debug]:
Any suggestion?
So long
Henry -
Remove the traffic shaper config and rerun
Remove & rerun don't fit it. There is still the same problem.
But there is another problem to:
The CPU-usage is permanently on 100%. After reboot the system the usage is normaly (3-5%), but if the system run around a half hour the usage goes up to 100%. On the shell I have run "top" and I have seen that php needs a lot of CPU-power…So long