IPsec crashes
I think I'm running what's more or less one of the last RC0 versions that installs properly.
My IPsec links are (mostly?) up, so things seem to work (mostly).Still, I keep semi-regularly these sort of crash reports:
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information: amd64 8.3-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p8 #1: Fri May 31 09:46:00 EDT 2013 root@snapshots-8_3-amd64.builders.pfsense.org:/usr/obj.pfSense/usr/pfSensesrc/src/sys/pfSense_SMP.8 Crash report details: PHP Errors: [02-Jun-2013 03:28:45 Etc/UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ipsec_get_phase1_src() in /etc/inc/vpn.inc on line 151 [02-Jun-2013 13:57:09 Etc/UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ipsec_get_phase1_src() in /etc/inc/vpn.inc on line 151 Filename: /var/crash/minfree 2048
Any clue what's going on?
I'm no expert but I'll have a first stab. On one of my systems, that line calls a function called ipsec_get_phase1_src. A quick grep finds /etc/inc/ipsec.inc which has a function around line 150:
/* * Return phase1 local address */ function ipsec_get_phase1_src(& $ph1ent) { if ($ph1ent['interface']) { if (!is_ipaddr($ph1ent['interface'])) { if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == "inet6") { $if = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface'], "inet6"); $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($if); } else { $if = get_failover_interface($ph1ent['interface']); $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($if); } } else { $interfaceip=$ph1ent['interface']; } } else { $if = "wan"; if ($ph1ent['protocol'] == "inet6") $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($if); else $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($if); } return $interfaceip; }
Do you have that file and does it contain that function?
Jon -
This should fix it:
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