Ipsec lan to lan (pfsense behind routers)
Hi all:
I have a problem with a ipsec lan to lan connection. The pfsense has not the public ip addres. The operator router have it. The scenario:
lan(–pfsense( static IP)--internet--(public static IP)router--(
ADSL routers (d-link) have ports 500 and 4500 forwarded to pfsense. PPTP ports are forwarded too and I can stablish a pptp tunnel, but lan to lan ipsec tunnel don't work. The log in pfsense is too poor.
Routes are well implemented. I have desactivate NAT and add routes in dlink router.
Can you help me? Pfsense 1.2-beta-1.
You will need to add rules to allow UDP 500 and ESP on your pfsenses wan interfaces