Ipv6 2.1-RC0 (i386)
I would like someone to post how to setup ipv6 set by step i have tried a couple of setups i found in the forum and info found doing a google search an i have had no luck
Please help
signed frustrated user -
what kind of ipv6 are you looking to setup? If you want to use a tunnel broker, this guide should be helpful.
what kind of ipv6 are you looking to setup? If you want to use a tunnel broker, this guide should be helpful.
I tried that setup and I could not get it to work .
"Could not get it to work" is not a useful problem description. HE tunnel works perfectly fine here.
"Could not get it to work" is not a useful problem description. HE tunnel works perfectly fine here.
I got ipv6 working do I have to have snort running on the ipv6 also ?
I don't use snort for anything; not worth the myriad of false positives.