NanoBSD+VGA snapshots missing kernel AGAIN?
I just tried to upgrade to the 20130630 nanobsd_vga snapshot, and my box failed to come back up. After attaching a monitor, it looks like that snapshot is once again missing the kernel. Looking at the snapshot directory supports this, as the file has shrunk almost 20MB from the 20130629 snapshot that supposedly added the kernel back in.
Come on, guys; I know we're not entitled to anything, but if you really want people to keep helping you test snapshots, this is not the way.
Yes, apparently again. OMG, branch the tools already and play with that on your bleeding edge sandboxes. You are killing RC snapshots with these trial and error changes. Just reading the commit logs for pfsense-tools recently gets pretty ridiculous.
Looks like there is a new snapshot for today up that is roughly as big as the one from 6/29 that did include the kernel. I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
Yup, works.