Nanobsd on a neoware ca22 thin client
I have had success in the past running the 4gb nanobsd image on various neoware ca22 and ca10 thin clients with an onboard 44 pin IDE to CF card slot with a 4gb CF card installed. It's a pain to mount the CF card inside where the IDE HD used to go. That being said what do you think is better a MLC CF card or a MLC 4gb USB drive for the box? Does the nanobsd image only read from the nand flash at boot? does the rest run in ram? if that's the case, then the USB drive may be just as good? Thanks.
The only advantage to using a CF card is that the nanobsd images expect to find the drive attached the IDE primary master. If you run from USB you have to tell it where to find the drive at first boot and then alter some settings. If you have reflash the drive for whatever reason you'll have to do that again. Booting from IDE works on everything, some USB drives/motherboards can be picky or require additional settings.
NanoBSD doesn't write to the disk all the time, logging is done in RAM.
Not sure about the CA10 and CA22 models…I do have one out of this product line (could be a model 15 or so)m and it only has USB 1.1. It boots so frigging slow from USB that you can not only brew a coffee, no, you actually have the time to travel to Guatemala to pick the coffee beans yourself.
I totally agree about the pain when trying to mount anything on the header. Got fed up finally and set up a TFTP server to boot the thin client via network. Boots much faster than from USB.
Also,m already managed to break one this thin clients when mounting the "disk".
I used to use CA10:,40502.msg209156.html#msg209156
I had it booting from a IDE DOM ( running the full version. I never had any problems, though booting was't fast and upgrading took forever.