Confusions about Jail implementation in 2.1
Since pfSense 2.1 has moved to pbi packaging system, I am asking this question here.
1. There is pfJailCtl packages which pulls the necessary pbi packages. But what if someone wants to make some changes in the configurations files for jails for specific uses like fstab for jails and using nfs for base jail instead of nullfs?
I checked with related jail pages in pcbsd ( as pbi packaging is derived from pcbsd, they mention three types of jails (traditional, portsjail and linuxjail), but that does not seem in the case of pfSense's pfJailCtl.
2. Instead of pfJailCtl, will it break pfSense configurations if one install enable jail in a traditional way from command line?
I meant adding jail.conf and fstab.jail confs manually? It would be nice if this can be done without breaking the pfSense's GUI usefulness!
Advance appreciation for your inputs!
The maintainer of that package hasn't been active for several years, I'm surprised any part of it actually works on 2.0.x let alone 2.1…
Thanks jimp for letting me know that pfJailCtl is no more maintained.***
BTW, since pfSense has adopted pbi packaging from v2.1 as I read in this site, what is the ideal way to manage customized jails then? Install the tbz packages directly from FreeBSD 8.3 tree or install it from pcbsd pbi package?
That is where I am a bit confused whether the former method (using FreeBSD ports) breaks the current pfSense configs?
***Would it not be nice to separate packages that has been abandoned or stopped being maintained from the active packages in the 'Available Packages' list to avoid confusions?
The tbz's from FreeBSD are more likely to work as expected, but neither one will really work 100% unless someone steps up and takes the package over to maintain it.
Thanks jimp! I shall go the classic FreeBSD way (my preferred way, too) ;-)