Help with trunking from Cisco switch (can get DHCP, not able to ping out)
I'm attempting to setup a network with 6 VLANs on a Cisco 3560G connected to a pfSense box. VLANs are VLAN101, VLAN201, VLAN301, etc. I have followed the tutorial at and DHCP successfully works for each VLAN when connecting via the switch. However, from the switch I cannot ping the gateway address for the VLAN (the address on the pfSense box).
For example:
VLAN101 is defined on the pfSense box to have an IP of The DHCP range for that interface is - When I plug a machine into a port on the switch, it receives a DHCP address ( and can ping the VLAN101 interface on the switch at However, it cannot ping the VLAN interface on the pfSense box at
I have made sure that I have a firewall rule for allow any traffic for VLAN101 ("*" across the board on the rule page).
The configuration for my trunk port on the switch is:
interface GigabitEthernet0/49
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 101,201,301,401,501,601
switchport mode trunkand the port I'm plugging the machine into is:
interface GigabitEthernet0/13
switchport access vlan 101
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfastAny thoughts as to where I should go next in troubleshooting this?
Thanks in advance!
Did you reset states after configuring the firewall rules? (See Diagnostics -> States click on Reset States, read and click the Reset button.)
Is your switch setup to do routing? If not, what is the default gateway on the switch? It sounds like your computers are working. Is pinging from the switch the only thing not working?
Thanks for the help, you two. Resetting states seems to have done the trick.