Captive Portal, Vouchers, Passthrough MAC w/Username
Okay -
I was all excited about multi-day vouchers using pass-through MAC with username but am seeing something really weird.
I have three portals defined.
The first one has no authentication.
The second has no authentication.
The third has vouchers enabled, Pass-through MAC addition, and Pass through MAC with username.
I connect to that network, get the voucher page, enter the voucher, and it is accepted. But I am immediately presented with the CP login page again.
The MAC passthrough entry is added to the config for the correct portal instance, but the pass-through MAC entry in ipfw is added to the first instance instead of the third.
If I don't use Pass-through MAC addition, the user is added to the correct instance.
I restored my config to a test box and it worked fine so I'm pretty sure a restart will fix it.
But there's something funny with adding multi instance CPs still.
This is 2.1-RC0 July 22 15:44 amd64. I don't think there have been any CP changes since.
(It might be nice to log $cpzone in portalauth.log)
Rebooted this morning and the MAC passthrough entries are still being added to the first CP instance of ipfw instead of the 3rd, even though the config entry is added to the correct CP instance.
Aug 1 15:35:52 gw php: /index.php: The command '/sbin/ipfw -x meetings-q /tmp/macentry_meetings.rules.tmp' returned exit code '0', the output was '00002 pipe 4138 ip from any to any MAC a8:20:66:2b:bb:47 any 00003 pipe 4139 ip from any to any MAC any a8:20:66:2b:bb:47'
Looks like a space is necessary in the mwexec command generation. line 1871
Fixed thanks for reporting.