How to upload and activate vouchers generated from other pfbox to another box?
I wonder if it is possible to use the vouchers generated from other pfsense machine to be used to other pfsense machine. Is it possible to upload it to another machine?
It might not be quite what you want, but it appears a number of pfSense systems can use a common voucher database - see Services -> Captive Portal,, click on Vouchers tab and see Vouchers Database Synchronization section.
It might not be quite what you want, but it appears a number of pfSense systems can use a common voucher database - see Services -> Captive Portal,, click on Vouchers tab and see Vouchers Database Synchronization section.
Thanks a lot for pointing me there, I didn't even notice that section. However, please be patient to reply more since I'll be asking you about how to use that section:
I have 5 boxes, and each of them I have generated vouchers. Will this section able to sync the vouchers from each other? Meaning my user from box #5 would be able to use his voucher when connecting from box #1,2,3 of 4? Or is this feature can only sync two boxes?
2. Where can I find "Voucher sync port" number?
3. The "Voucher sync username" is this the very log-in credential when you enter web GUI? of is this a separate credential to set? If so, how?
Thanks alot!
However, please be patient to reply more since I'll be asking you about how to use that section:
I have no experience with that facility so I'll guess.
I have 5 boxes, and each of them I have generated vouchers. Will this section able to sync the vouchers from each other? Meaning my user from box #5 would be able to use his voucher when connecting from box #1,2,3 of 4? Or is this feature can only sync two boxes?
The wording on my pfSense2.1 snapshot build system:
IP address of master nodes webConfigurator to synchronize voucher database and used vouchers from.
NOTE: this should be setup on the slave nodes and not the primary node!suggests there can be multiple slave nodes.
2. Where can I find "Voucher sync port" number?
The wording on the page suggests you need to specify the port used by the web configurator on the master node.
3. The "Voucher sync username" is this the very log-in credential when you enter web GUI? of is this a separate credential to set? If so, how?
I suspect you would need to specify credentials of a user with at least some of the privileges related to Vouchers (if using pfSense 2.1 snapshot build), but it is unclear which ones. It is probably not "good practice" to use your admin account.