Acer Revo 3610 with Mini PCI-E Dual NIC Card
Hi Guys,
My ISP upgraded my connection to 120/12 and I've got another backup VDSL connection at 38/10. As a result my Draytek 2920 can't cope as it has a max throughput of 147.5mbps so I need a dual WAN solution and came across pfSense which looks ideal.
I've got an old Revo 3610 lying around and plan to buy this: this which is based on the Realtek-RTL8111E.
Now I've done plenty of googling on this and understand in a recent version support for that chipset was added but it's not on the official hardware list and was wondering if operating it through a Mini PCIE converter would complicate things.
Anyone have any clues?
If not are there any prebuilt solutions that can cope with 300 WAN-LAN throughput?
as for the realtek card, ive ran into some weird driver/activity only allowing 10Mbps speeds. Had to update the drivers to a recent release from June 2013 to fix the issue. While this happened in windows, freebsd may or may not run into this situation ive experienced. I've gone straight Intel and havent looked back considering its mentioned everywhere throughout pfsense forums. Some seem to do alright with realtek. and some have switched and claimed much higher throughput.
Im on a quest to Maximize my atom based device, "n2800" using intel pro/1000 pt dual.
so far i can only reach 240Mbps, using the onboard intel pro/1000 and the pci-e card pings stay the same, UDP stays the same but TCP lowers to 200Mbps.
in theory this should be faster, but i usually don't have luck with my hardware. I always end up with low overclocking chips, even with an extensive 6x120mm radiator water loop on cpu alone. either that or im expecting more. "5ghz 2700k @ 1.48V"
to reach the 300Mbps mark or even go beyond getting closer to that 1Gbps im affraid you'll have to go with something that will eat a little more into the electric bill vs a low wattage atom. Perhaps a G630
Ah that's disappointing because some of the consumer routers out there can do 900Mbps+ now. It's just a shame they never have a failover service.
Might have to reconsider things, there's a Dual WAN TP link that's rated to 300Mbps.
Is the card PCI?
Is the card PCI?
No, its pci-e x1 theres plenty of bandwidth there, just not seeing it. My thread is previous to this one. "intel Dn2800mt"
So does anyone have experience with that actual card?
I've got an old, more powerful, desktop lying around but it's so loud and with electricity costing 14.2p per kWH I'm loathe to use it.
I can't say I have, and with the price tag on that nic, considering you can get server grade nics for a 10th of the price, it may be hard to find someone who've also used that specific one. With luck though someone may chime in. or hell, maybe even someone using a realtek RTL8111E onboard. I wouldn't see any difference in performance between the one you listed and the onboard. Seems like a real common onboard nic. Only realtek nics i have are 10/100 Pci cards. I wouldn't beable to tell you the performance of the 8111e, but the 10/100 did work and pegged at 98~100 solid.