Writing pfSense packages and getting them added
What is the process to get a package added to pfSense. We're one of the leading IPv6 consulting firms and have a really great product that we would like to release open source to the community. We just completed testing out our systems integration with pfSense and it works great! We think a lot of people could see some value in it. There must be an official process to get added? If need be we can try direct communication with the developers. We work and partner with several large companies such as Cisco, HP, Verizon, etc. so going through more traditional channels would not be a problem. I figure there must already be some straight forward process for getting a package added. Thanks for the help all. We're new to this arena.
Usually, the first step would be to have it tested by others here on the forum and/or the mailing list. Post a .zip containing the files for people to manually put in place and try with some manual installation. Alternately you could setup a custom package repository that users could point their systems at to test the package.
To get it into pfSense, first you'd need to submit a pull request to the packages repository on pfsense that includes all of the XML and PHP code for the packages. Any binaries that need to be built will need to be done by us. If the software is already in FreeBSD's ports tree, it's simple. If it's not, you'd need to create a port for it and submit it to FreeBSD and/or put it into the pfSense-tools repository as a pfPort.
Once we can build the binaries here and the code is everywhere it needs to be, then it could be set to show up to everyone.
Perfect response. Thank you. I knew I could count on you to chime in at some point. Thanks!
Have two additional questions for you. One that may benefit you greatly.
1st - Are there other packages out there that use Java. I know a lot of people are scared to put Java on a firewall. This might be a brick wall of sorts for us if we're the only ones using Java.
2nd - I assume you are a developer for pfSense, or in some way tied to the project. Do you also do consulting? If so, would you be available for a call and for hire potentially as a contractor. Please contact me at arobinson@nephos6.com
We would really like to get this package off the ground. I know this forum is probably a uncommon channel for this type of communication, but we're new to the open source world, and didn't really know where to start in terms of direct office contacts.
Just a little about us. Nephos6 Inc is a Cloud and IPv6 services firm. In addition to products and training we do consulting for some of the largest service providers and corporations around the world with respect to their v6 infrastructure migrations. Some of our customers include Cisco, HP, Telus, Comcast, Cox, Verizon, etc. Please feel free to visit us at www.nephos6.com for more info.
Look forward to hearing back from you soon. I have several proof of concept tests running our software inside pfSense, and we're now working on getting a dev repo setup per your recommendations, but are looking for a little more guidance with respect to certain areas in pfSense.
#1 - Not in the public repositories. Nobody else there is doing Java.
#2 - I work for ESF, the parent company behind pfSense, and we are the official source of pfSense support/consulting. We could assist with developing a package as a part of the usual support hours/time. See the link in my sig.