[SOLVED] webConfigurator do not answer IPv6 requests
Well - The Military here and government (Serious sites for serious people, not for public use) don't submit their certs to anybody.
Shows up red just like any self signed cert I'd make unless the people who use them install the certs in their trusted cert store.
Thats also how I handle certs. Handed out by hand for friends I'd trust to certain things.But really - Certs have become a huge racket. I'd say issuing certs is like printing money except paper does cost SOMETHING.
But really - Certs have become a huge racket. I'd say issuing certs is like printing money except paper does cost SOMETHING.
You mean - you could operate a company which issues digital certificates from your parent's garage, and become a multi-millionaire? Amazing.
Of course, this is impossible to repeat nowadays. Shuttlework (Thawte) and Verisign were lucky enough to have their root certificates public key installed in the first Netscape browser. The rest is history.
You mean - you could operate a company which issues digital certificates from your parent's garage, and become a multi-millionaire? Amazing.
Been tried and failed… Clearly, these days you need to pay $$$$$$$ to the right browser guys first, like CNNIC. ::)
Yep…too bad that Honest Achmed failed...now I have to buy my google.com certificates from TÜRKTRUST....
I suppose it would be possible to start a open-authority (call it whatever you like) the same way OpenNIC runs alternate DNS. You would have to set up an entirely new chain of authority, some servers, establish some system of trust and basically give away certs and rely on donations or something to keep things running. Then you would need to get it into a major browser that isn't in CNNIC or whoever's pocket. OR - People could just stop being stupid and ignore the idiot graffiti that pops up when someone uses a self signed cert. Either way would work.
Did I mention the word racket earlier? Yeah… Its a racket.
FYI, fixed in FF 24+
Ahhhh- Good. Getting ready for IPV9 are they?