Lcdproc with ARinfotek TEAK-5020L (or other TEAK appliances)
I've been playing a lot with TEAK 5020L network applicance from ArInfotek ( ) and trying to get LCD working.
I've tracked down the following:Parallel controlled LCM 20x2 with chipset SC2002D (parralel) on a controller board with a microcontroller from Nuvoton W78E052DFG and a cmos to TTL signal chip ADM3202 which is connected on a serial port.
Controller board itself is branded ARinfotek P/N:699-2020001-0A0 LCM2020-001 board.
The CD shipped with the applicance has some sample code (available here: serial port used for the LCM module is /dev/cuau2
I've played a lot with LCDProc dev package, and there is NO WAY i can find the setting (i've setup the /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf file according to some suggestions with the right port and driver (hd44780, tried -serialLpt, -picanlcd, -lcdserializer, -los-panel) etc…
I've tried to read the sample code, setup the only info i found (speed = 38400 baud).Is there anyone that has succeded with Arinfotek TEAK lcd modules ?
Or does anyone have any suggestions i did not try ?Thanks.