Dashboard shows many packet collisions
I'm running pfSense 2.0.3 since May 2013 inside an XCP 1.6 virtualization host. The XCP host has a virtual router built with Vyatta. This router talks to both XCP external NICs (connected to separate internet links) and to pfSense over two virtual NICs which pfSense knows as WAN and OPT1. The Vyatta router handles internet failover. pfSense is also connected to LAN over the XCP box's internal LAN NIC.
I realize that pfSense can handle all this and that Vyatta is really not needed. However pfSense came into the picture later on when things were already setup and running becuase we needed a good captive portal. I think pfSense does an excellent job with that. I've set up a firewall rule using an alias to send some LAN IPs over OPT1 and the rest go out over WAN. WAN and OPT1 are virtual interfaces connected to Vyatta. This is all working very well.
When looking at the pfSense Dashboard, Interface Statisticas portlet I see a lot of collisions on WAN, OPT1 and LAN. The number of collisions is almost equal to the number of packets out. There are no errors in or erros out.
Is this normal? Any idea why this happens?
I would usually suggest a duplex mismatch in this situation but since this is all virtual I'm unsure. I guess if your virtual network is somehow simulating a hub rather than a switch that would explain it. :-\
Thanks for the idea Steve. I'll look into that on the Xen Cloud Platform side of things. Another idea I have is limiting the bandwith on these virtual interfaces.
Check the pfSense VM to make sure it sees all the connections as full duplex: Status: Interfaces:
Normally the NIC negotiates with the switch and that can, very rarely, cause problems. With both those things not really existing I'm unsure how that works. ::)Steve