Traffic Shaper Names in the Queue Status Screen
Hello, This is my first post after lurking for some time. I am new new new to pfsense but have a decent history managing Tomato and DD-WRT based routers. Obviously this is a step up from those routers and certainly approached a bit differently. I am still discovering some things and realizing that there is alot to this software.
So here is my first question. I used the traffic shaper wizard to create some queues in attempts to gain a better understanding of what type of shaper would work best for me. I decided to try CBQ first since it might be closest to how Tomato's QOS works. Are you limited to 7 queues regardless of which method of traffic shaping you choose? I modified the name of the queues to include the priority score in the queue name to help assist later when working with rules. Shouldn't I see the modified names when navigating to the Status –> Queues module?
Thanks for your time.