Opinion on new configuration of pfsense cluster
We are currently changing our old firewall by a new cluster of psense 2.1.
The cluster will be on two DELL PowerEdge 2950 whit 2 Broadcom NIC and 4 Intel NIC
The cluster will also route network between VLAN.We have 8 VLAN, 1 DMZ, and 1 WAN (maybe 2 in few months). We also have a connection to our company’s group network.
You can find the schema bellow:Have you any recommendation about our configuration or topology implementation?
We also plan to take some support to help us when we make up the cluster.
Is the support duration can be split? If we take 5 hours can we split in tow to solve 2 issues for example?Thanks you.
Regards Remi.
Pretty standard stuff. Looks fine, though I haven't actually tried sticking vLANs on a LAGG before.
One thing to note is that depending on how much traffic passes between those vLANs you might find yourself bandwidth starved on 1Gbe links.