Hostname lookup failure
All the setup had been made by johnpoz as I'm totally new,he had been really helpful and it was working fine when he finished.
I didn't change anything but I have been away for a month and didn't restart the vm's.Basically, I'm running ESXI above workstation :
There is my configuration:
I have 3 networks ,Wan,Lan,Lan1 on 1 physical network card
The vm's on Wan have access to the internet.
The vm's on Lan and Lan 1 have no access to the internet.
From the pfsense console, I got the following message when I'm trying to do a ping:"cannot resolve :hostname lookup failure".
Lan ip address : - I can ping from the Lan the
Lan1 ip address : I can ping from the Lan1 the
Wan ip address : I can ping
The Firewall rules are in the attached files:
Thank you for your help.
Lan ip address : - I can ping from the Lan the
Lan1 ip address : I can ping from the Lan1 the is the local loopback address so your ping results have noting to say about network connectivity. The output from a```
tracert be much more informative. The output of pings to the IP address of the pfSense IP address on the client subnet would also be more informative.
Thank you for the answer.
From the client subnet, I did a tracert and a ping to the IP address of the pfSense IP address.
There is the resut in the screenshot.Thank you for your help
You have apparently manually configured the IP address of the pfSense WAN interface. Did you also manually configure the IP address of the default gateway and the IP address of the DNS server?
The ip address of the pfSense WAN interface has been configured manually .
The IP address of the default gateway and the IP address of the DNS server also.
I didn't personally configure anything, johnpoz, who had been very helpful, did all that for me via remote. -
It looks as if pfSense can't communicate with its default gateway. Please post the output of pfSense shell commands:```
ifconfig em0
netstat -r -n -f inet
netstat -I em0 -
hmmm I vaguely recall this - I recall something of a nat you were trying to do, etc. Isn't this the nested install, you have esxi running on vmware workstation or something?
But be happy to remote in again and take a look.
yes, it was me with the esxi running in vmware workstation.
When you finished the setup, I was quite busy the weeks after and didn't restart vmware.
3 subnets had been installed but 2 of them can't communicate.All was working fine when you finished to the setup and I haven't change anything since.There is on below the output of the Pfsense shell commands.
Thank you.
![netstat -I em0.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/netstat -I em0.JPG_thumb)
![netstat -I em0.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/netstat -I em0.JPG)
![netstat -r -n -f inet.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/netstat -r -n -f inet.JPG_thumb)
![netstat -r -n -f inet.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/netstat -r -n -f inet.JPG)
![ifconfig em0.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/ifconfig em0.JPG_thumb)
![ifconfig em0.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/ifconfig em0.JPG) -
You don't have a default route/gateway hence the system doesn't know where to forward packets to destinations that aren't on its local networks.
He has a crazy setup - did you get away from the 3G connection yet? And get a real connection?
Let me TV in again and will get it fixed up. Send me the info, its a friday - hopefully pretty light at work today I should be able to find time.