Hobbitclient - monitoring (or installhowto ;-) )
Hi there,
i am a great fan of pfsense and thats my first touch into the bsd world.
I set up monitoring of my windowsboxes with Hobbit http://sourceforge.net/projects/hobbitmon on the clients i installed bbwin.
I#d like to be able to monitor pfsense too, but i don't know how to do this as i am a newbie on bsd/linux.
The most comfortable thing would be if someone could create a package for the hobbitclient for pfsense.
But even then i would be interrested why i wasnt able to install the client on the pfsense:
I un-tar-ed the files in /etc/hobbitclient on the pfsense and ran ./configure.client
It seems there is no make command…
Do i have to install gmake first? When yes please give me a howto for dummies ;-)