ICMP - Virtual IP
ISP is responding "Destination unreachable" when you try to ping any of the static virtual ips from remote locations. The PPTP and IPSEC vpns and all port forwarding is working properly. So basically, everything is working except ICMP.
Backgroud to setup: I setup the Virtual IP / Proxy Arp addresses. Setup the ports for the corresponding Virtual IP in NAT and automatically created firewall rules. I added the following 4 ICMP rules: Echo reply, Destination unreachable, Router advertisement, and allow Time exceeded. All four ICMP rules are default settings except the protocol to ICMP and the ICMP type.
VIP = Proxy ARP
WAN - 30 Static IPs on a T1 connection
Version = 1.2-RC3Can anyone help with this issue? I fear that my initial setup using Proxy Arp may not be the most ideal solution for this network.
search "ping VIP" –> http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,4499.0.html
Afaik you cant ping PARP VIP's.
Use CARP VIP's instead (even if you dont use CARP-functions)