Forward multiple public ip's to another pfsense box?
not sure where to go with this concept…
i need to send only a few public ip's to a client for there servers...
i know how to configure pfsense to receive virtual ip's but never had a need to forward a couple to a single client...
any suggestions ???
so i guess what i'm going to haveta do is break up my public /24 into smaller subnets then use vlans to distribute…
really didnt want to breakup my /24...
but after a few days of no replys.... lol
I assume you cant just drop a 2nd link from the ISP to the other PFSense box…not physically possibe to config some IP's from the /24 ?
my upstream provider uses a cisco gateway, when i asked them to show me how they routed the #.#.236.0/24 subnet to me, i was dumbfounded with how simple he made it look…
my static ip assigned to wan is #.#.232.12/24 (pfsense box)
from his CLi, he typed in a single command telling the cisco gateway to route any requests to 236.0/24 to be routed to 232.12/24,
the pfsense box was then configured with virtual ip / proxy arp, and from there i would assign 236.0/24 ip to lan hosts....
so, at this point, i have broken the /24 into smaller subnets (/30,/29,/25) creating new vlan interfaces, and configuring each vlan interface with /29 or /30... disabled dhcp within that vlan giving the host control over ip assignment
to me this is a waste of ip's being i loose two ip's to subnet id/broadcast just to provide a /29 or /30 to a single host....
is pfsense capable of doing what my upstream provider did?
per say, route requests to #.#.236.10-16/24 to their wan ip like he did thru cli?