Install packages by FTP ?
Hi there,
This is my first message here! :-) I've recently discovered PfSense and wow! This a really good product!
But I've got a little problem with the packages because I'm trying to add squid's one but I can't do it by the configurator. The problem is that I can't reach the packages's list cause of my proxy.. and I can't temporally put my pfsense on a straight connexion because I work in a national education system where I'm not able to get around it since the proxy isnt situated where I work..
So I was wondering if it was possible to manually add the package by FTP (found them there: ? Actually, I can't connect and reach the files system and I don't know if it's just pfsense need more configuration or if the N.E.S blocked it too..
So the real questions are: "Is there anything special to do to enable the FTP acces on PfSense's server?" if yes, "What should I do?" and then "Where should I put packages's files?" I guess there should be a folder called "Packages" or something else but I rather like to ask and be safety!
Thanks for your futur support! ;-)
Does your proxy allow connections if you are authenticated? If so check pfsense advanced settings.
You can also try to clone repository using HTTPS, SSH, or Subversion.
Thanks for your answer! :)
So you meant that I should be able to connect to PfSense by FTP ?
Does your proxy allow connections if you are authenticated? If so check pfsense advanced settings.
Yes, it allows it. I can reach any websites when authenticated. I checked many times in settings before posting here and I didn't found anything that would solve my problem.. :/
You can also try to clone repository using HTTPS, SSH, or Subversion.
Hmm.. How could I do this with ssh? And what's "subversion" ? Sorry don't understand this, English isn't my native language.
[edit] i'll try to found out where the squid's files go when i'll be at home by checking them by 'edit file" in webconfigurator.. >:(
Check: system -> advanced -> Miscellaneous -> Proxy support
Ok thanks, I've just checked it and I can't find this option.. Is it also available on PfSense v2.0? I may upgrade to 2.1..
Hmmm.. Just noticed something. The trouble may come from my configuration..
I'm actually not able to ping any websites from the lan's side that could explain why I can't reach the package's list.. eheh
It's ok to ping on the wan's card so I guess as the webconfigurator is on the lan card, this is why I cannot actually reach the packages list.. Hmhmm
I may try to put the webconfigurator on the wan's card if I can't found out why I can't ping with lan.
Maybe I just shouldnt be able to ping using lan.. waiting for your feedback! :p
Hopefully, it's the end of the week.. that make me crazy! ;D
Thanks lads
Hello there,
It's morning, let's fight back with this PfSense again! :-)
So, should I be able to ping with each card of my pfsense?
edit: Finally done with it! Upgraded top 2.1 where I can configure a proxy to my wan card and reach the packages's list!