Bind package for pfsense 2.1
named runs in a jail so it has its own folder structure seperate from /
ok - where is it suppose to be loading the zone files from, because they are not loading.. And lots of errors get put into the system log.
shouldn't they be in
/cf/conf/named/etc/namedbI only show named.conf and named.root in there
Thats what I can't find as well :)
but your saying your zones resolve? I have a forward zone and none of the entries resolve. Even though bind comes up and I an resolve outside stuff, my local zone is not working.
I don't think they are getting created - and clearly there is something not quite right when the log says it is loading /etc/named/named.conf – but its really in /cf/conf/named/etc/namedb/named.conf and in that .conf it says working directory is /etc/namedb -- when it should point to /cf/conf/named/etc/namedb/
Not a real jail expert, but this does not seem right to me.
Would love to start playing with it and looking for more bugs, etc. But if I can not even get it to resolve my pfsense.local.lan -- how can I use it?
version 0.1.4 is out.
zone tab now shows result config.
fixed slave zone fields checks
fixed master zone ip missing ";"
changed folder check/creation from /conf symlink to /cf dir.I've testes several times folder creation and it's fine under /cf/named
version 0.1.4 is out.
zone tab now shows result config.
fixed slave zone fields checks
fixed master zone ip missing ";"
changed folder check/creation from /conf symlink to /cf dir.I've testes several times folder creation and it's fine under /cf/named
The zone files are not being created because the permissions of the directories are not allowing the user "bind" to write.
I created a view called "default", and the permissions of /cf/named/etc/namedb/slave/default are "drwxr-xr-x root wheel"
I then ran the following command: chgrp bind /cf/named/etc/namedb/slave/default; chmod g+w /cf/named/etc/namedb/slave/default;
The new permissions are then "drwxrwxr-x root bind"
Then restarted bind using the web interface, and the files are all created, and the resulting config can be seen in the web interface.
Feature request: forward zones
Woudl be similar to slave zones, but even more simple.
Example of forward zone config:
zone "" { type forward; forward only; forwarders {;; }; };
Check version 0.1.5
main changes
Add forward zone option
Add rndc config to named.conf
Add widget to dashboard
Include dev/random,null and zero on named chroot dir
Check slave zone dir permissions
and on pkg 0.2
- dnssec
This is awesome :) All seems to be working great, nice work indeed.
Ok – wtf, now getting refused..
C:>dig pfsense.local.lan
; <<>> DiG 9.9.4 <<>> pfsense.local.lan
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 16069
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;pfsense.local.lan. IN A;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Oct 18 07:48:22 Central Daylight Time 2013
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 46I have edited the ACL every which way I can think of, I see the configs in the zones.. Gone and updated them - restared.. Let me take a look at the named.conf and see what it says for acls, etc..
This package is looking like one sweet deal -- just not able to get it work ;)
edit: YEAH!!! Its working!!! have to actually highlight the lists in vies section.
; <<>> DiG 9.9.4 <<>> pfsense.local.lan
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31349
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;pfsense.local.lan. IN A;; ANSWER SECTION:
pfsense.local.lan. 86400 IN A;; AUTHORITY SECTION:
local.lan. 86400 IN NS pfsense.local.lan.;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Oct 18 07:53:50 Central Daylight Time 2013
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 76Got my PTR zones working -- yeah this seems to ROCK!!!! Will have to test out the dnssec stuff today.. But THANK YOU! This has been a long awaited addition to pfsense...
Is there a setup tutorial for this that I can follow?
Might not be a bad idea - seems you have to have a view setup, and ACLs - and you have to highlight them in the zone or it doesn't like to work.
I just broke mine again with trying to enable the dnssec, had to delete the zone files and then go back in into the zones so they were recreated, etc.
Might be nice to allow checkconf from the gui to see its output.. But there is clearly some stuff with the chroot that I don't quite get.. still looks like /etc/namedb/named.conf - but this is really in /cf/named/etc/namedb but there there is also something to do with /usr/pbi/bind-i386/etc/named.conf ???
Some info on how this chroot stuff works for this package would be just fantastic!!!
Is there a setup tutorial for this that I can follow?
Just follow package tabs from left to right.
All you need is there :)
Might not be a bad idea - seems you have to have a view setup, and ACLs - and you have to highlight them in the zone or it doesn't like to work.
These are all bind requirementes but I've included more info on acl options to get it clear.
I just broke mine again with trying to enable the dnssec, had to delete the zone files and then go back in into the zones so they were recreated, etc.
what erros? I'm testing it massively and getting no errors.
Might be nice to allow checkconf from the gui to see its output.. But there is clearly some stuff with the chroot that I don't quite get.. still looks like /etc/namedb/named.conf - but this is really in /cf/named/etc/namedb but there there is also something to do with /usr/pbi/bind-i386/etc/named.conf ???
Some info on how this chroot stuff works for this package would be just fantastic!!!
Just take a look on named process:
ps ax | grep -i named
83446 ?? Is 0:00.02 /usr/pbi/bind-amd64/sbin/named -c /etc/namedb/named.conf -u bind -t /cf/named/Join chroot dir and conf dir to understand how it works.
I get SERVFAIL - thought I posted up a screenie before, anyway can repeat the error.
So as you can see working fine - did a query for pfsense.local.lan get an answer all is good.
Then I go into the zone, click "Enable inline DNSSEC Signing for this zones. " hit save in the zone, then on the overall zone tab hit save again. Do my query again and get SERVFAIL
Going back into the zone and unchecking it and resaving does not correct the problem.. Have to delete all the files for that zone in the zone file area - for me its /cf/named/etc/namedb/master/everyone and then resave then it its back to working. Because I call my view everyone.
My point about having to highlight, I understand those are requirements for the configuration. But it doesn't auto use if there is only 1.. You still have to actually click on it so its highlighted on the gui page, or its not used in the config. Was like what the hell. It says its using my all acl allow.. No not really have to highlight them for it to work - see second pic
So notes about having to highlight might be good thing to add to documentation on the section, etc.
Then I go into the zone, click "Enable inline DNSSEC Signing for this zones. " hit save in the zone, then on the overall zone tab hit save again. Do my query again and get SERVFAIL
I'm not a DNSSEC specialist but if IRC, you need a parent zone to validate your dnssec zone(DS record on parent/root domain).
take a look on this whitepaper.
page 3
The Chain of trust
"…Surely the
public key isn’t just signed by the zone’s private key, which would mean that the public key would validate itself...""...No, the public key’s validity is established by the zone’s parent. For example, if our signed zone is called infoblox.
com, it’s the com zone that vouches for the zone’s public key...""...after the zone has been signed, the administrator sends a copy of his public key to the administrator of the com zone..."
Going back into the zone and unchecking it and resaving does not correct the problem
I'll test it here.
Other point. I've updated field info for zone acl. Transfer and updated acl should be restricted, not allowed to everyone. If you do not select any acl on it, means no access. That's why the package does not select automatically when only one acl is defined.
This goes back to the request for documentation/guide on using the package, etc.
From what I can tell so far you have put created one hell of a package!!! Freaking should be part of pfsense base install for bind support.. Dude this package just ROCKS!!! Ability for user to run full bind with a simple gui interface is fantastic!!! I can not say that enough.
But it needs a bit of documentation on its use is all - bind is a very complicated product, so to let users use it with a simple gui interface is going to put pfsense way above all other sim distro's for sure!!! So its going to draw in more and more users than just don't even understand the basics. Which is why it needs to be documented very well.
Let me know how I can help is what I am saying.. I am on the road but when I get some free time will dive into testing this package more - love the fact that you show the actual config file, etc..
I have never gotten into details of the jail stuff, so some basics on how that works would really help in the documentation.. Because looking at the logs saying conf is in loaded from /etc/namedb when that is not really the case is confusing.
And then details of how to get dnssec to work will help - what I can tell you from limited play time with the package so far is if I click on that setting is it breaks bind.. If there is something need to do – that needs to be documented, etc..
please let me know how I can help - this package is just pure gold and want to see it become part of the base install options, etc.. What I see so far is gold.. just needs some documentation and a few tweaks and it will be ready for prime time!!
thank you for all the work you have put into this!!
The bind documentation is really rich on internet. Most part of this packages was written based on it. chroot and dnssec are a good example of that.
I do not have that free time to spend on documentation guide. I do my best on field descriptions and a left to right configuration style package.
IMHO you need to know something about the package you are configuring on your network to prevent serious security problems.
Thank's for testing this package. This week I'll put in production and based on result change it to release or stable version.
I hear ya – I will be more than happy to put up some docs in the wiki, etc.. With pictures for the basic users on bring up a zone for example -- what you have to highlight, and how to work through the tabs left to right, etc.
And your field descriptions are very good to be honest!! Just needs a overall how to doc is all for the users that don't know the basics. I am very limited in my understanding of dnssec and jails myself - but I am more than happy to get more familiar with both for my own benefit and helping in documentation on using your great package!!
And I am with you - you allowing for enabling dnssec in bind via a gui, does not mean you have the time to write a how to for dnsses. And I would prefer actually that you spend your time enabling great features in your interface..
This looks to me to be one of the all time great packages for pfsense.. But as of now it seems to me there is something that the user needs to do other than click that check box to get dnssec to work.. Maybe a note about understanding dnssec and its requirements in the field would work for now ;) I checked it just playing around and it broke bind for my my local zone. That is not on you -- that is just lack of understanding on my part as well - same with chroot and jails, that is on me to understand.
Was just a note that it can be confusing for us that don't understand jails and such while the log says its loading one path, when that path is not really the actual path.