Solved!!! - Bypassing SSL decryption for specific domains on squid3
Is it possible? if possible, how do I do?
My system;
PfSense 2.1
squid3-dev 3.3.8 pkg 2.2
squidGuard-squid3 1.4_4 pkg v.1.9.5
Blacklist : shallalist -
Here is the solution;
Step1: stopped squid service
Step2 : Find squid.conf file
- find / -name "squid.conf"
Step3 : Should add the following lines in squid.conf file
acl bump-bypass dst "ip address" or "/…path.../BumpBypass-IPs.txt"
ssl_bump none bump-bypass
ssl_bump server-first allStpe4 : started squid service.
Good luck.
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