Multi WAN +/- NAT VPN Proxy + sum Bandwidth…
Hi all i am new to this forum but i use PFSense for quite a while so i have a little problem now to resolve…
I have only one ISP for now and i dont know for how long so i need to set something regarding this until i get second and third or more ISP trough BGP...
I used to have one VLAN from my ISP wich i get tagged to my router WAN port and there i set IP from /30 then to LAN port i set ...1/24 and everything works ok until now but...
My ISP gave me other new IP form another router with more bandwidth trough another VLAN and i need to make it usable both...So i read here and there about how to manage it and i succeeded when i set new IP to WAN1 then grouped two WANs and enabled NAT because without NAT it wont sum traffic...
But in this circumstances all IP became masked and i exit trough one of the two IP on the WAN interfaces and my IP on the PC i use is not visible on the internet anymore...
When i disable NAT it works also but not sum traffic...I have two more friends who use internet from me and i want they also to have own IP like before... Now we all exit trough same IP's and yesterday game throw me out when i go in because my friend was in there allready...
Please help me to resolve this issue :)
Thanks in advance.
Best regards. -
Anybody with idea ?
Maybe my English is not too good and you cant understand what i want to do so i try to explain again…
I have 2 VLAN from 1 ISP trough 1 cable wich go to one port of my router... I use Intel PRO1000 PCI-E dual port adapter...
VLAN 1 --> em0.1 IP GW = WAN this is transport net for my /24
VLAN 2 --> em0.2 IP GW = WAN1LAN --> DHCP enabled...
Also have PPTP with server IP and Proxy server...
When i group both of the WAN and enable NAT i can use sum of all bandwidth but my IP is not public anymore... Also VPN and proxy stop working... Without NAT enabled bandwidth is not summarised...
I want to continue using my public IP's VPN and proxy and also to have sum bandwidth... Do i need to have both NAT and direct routing at the same time ?