Dual WAN, Static WAN IPs and outgoing nat
within the doc it is not clearly written, so may i ask for this info please.
Ive a DUAL WAN setup with Loadbalancing and Failover pools.
Both WANs (WAN, OPT1) each of them connecting with static IPs to routers which dialin to my ISPs (getting dynamic IPs).Do i need outbound NAT Rules on WAN and OPT1 at pfsense for this ? If yes maybe there is DOUBLE NAT, because the routers which dialin to my ISPs already "must" NAT ? Just wondering …
Thanks for the info
MBChris -
http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/MultiWanVersion1.2 is the doc you should be following
You do not need outbound NAT rules. pfSense deals with the NAT stuff by itself
Thank you for your reply sai,
but what i like to know is … and this is NOT written in the mentioned doc ... if i have a DOUBLE NAT scenario then. Could you point me out on this ?Thanks
MBChris -
If you have double NAT you dont need to do anything on the pfSense.
For the pfSense it doesnt matter if the WAN-side IP is in a network you control or if it's a public IP.2 things you have to watch out for:
If the subnet between your pfSense and your modem lies within a private range you need to configure on the WAN-config-page that private networks are no longer being blocked (per default private networks are blocked on WAN).
If you want to host something behind the pfSense or want tu use upnp you need to make port-forwards on the router(the modemrouter) before your pfSense.
In a config i have running i just have a NAT-mapping from 1-65535 to the WAN IP of the pfSense.
Thank you GruensFroeschli,
i think i'll not touch my current configuration, i already insert the pfsense WAN-ports in my routers "exposed host" section.
Afterwards i will change/remove the pfsense and try it with an hardware dual wan/loadbalancing router (Lancom 1811)
Thanks all anyway for your answers