Occasional ARP errors in multiwan setup
Yes, conflicting MAC address, which is trying to use IP of WAN interface is MAC address of OPT2 interface.
Do you have proxy ARP setup for your WAN IP on your OPT WAN interface?
Hm, where can I find proxy ARP setup??? I do not realize I have set up proxy ARP during configuration. Where can I find it in user interface?
Updated to RC3 - the same problem occasionally occurs. It happens exactly in interval 1 hour or 20 minutes:
Dec 6 09:09:32 kernel: arp: XX:0c:XX:53:29:98 is using my IP address XX.XX.XX.XX1!
Dec 6 08:29:39 kernel: arp: XX:0c:XX:53:29:8e is using my IP address XX.XX.XX.XX1!
Dec 6 07:29:49 last message repeated 4 times
Dec 6 07:29:45 kernel: arp: XX:0c:XX:53:29:98 is using my IP address XX.XX.XX.XX1!MAC addresses of other two physical interfaces..
Could not it be some kind of cron script running every hour and trying to perform some cleanup or update or something like this and this is only side-effect of it????? I am convinced that this should not be some kind of random behavior.
I think I have found what is going on: http://wiki.openvz.org/Multiple_Network_Interfaces_And_ARP_Flux
But how to solve it in FreeBSD and pfsense???
Really nobody is able to answer my question? Is there anybody, who uses pfsense with more network cards, connected to one subnet?
Enable System -> Advanced -> This will suppress ARP messages when interfaces share the same physical network
This has been covered prior in the forum. This is why people are hesitant on answering something that has already been covered.
I have this feature ENABLED all the time I describe problems with ARP and my provider. What exactly this feature do? I think it only disables certain messages related to ARP to be displayed in system log.
Is there any possibility in pfsense to configure some properties of optional network cards related to ARP (like solutions described here: http://wiki.openvz.org/Multiple_Network_Interfaces_And_ARP_Flux
)? -
Some info on the freebsd link
http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,4996.msg30810.html#msg30810 -
Other question regarding this problem: Is it possible to set up ARP behavior of every physical interface in pfsense?