DNS Forwarder on CARP doesn't register hostname in DHCP lease on secondary
@cmb Thank you for the incredibly fast response. I wasn't expecting a reply so quickly.
I was planning on switching to static IP's at some point anyway, I guess I'll just have to do it sooner :)
I did try to take a look, but didn't know where to begin. I managed to fix a bug in the IPFire OS, but I think this one is going to be beyond me. :'(
Thanks again :D
Can just make them DHCP reservations in the mean time. Status>DHCP leases, hit the + next to each to add as a static mapping. Though static mappings must be outside the DHCP scope, so it might require a bit of juggling around if you need the IPs to stay the same (or you can just remove that input validation if you want, it'll behave how you need it to in this circumstance, though it won't in many others). The hostnames in the static mappings will resolve correctly on both systems.
Has it been any news on this subject?
I'm having the same problem in my workplace.Thanks!
I'm seeing the same issue, however it looks like this may have been fixed upstream as of isc-dhcpd version 4.3.5:
https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/dhcp-users/2016-October/020331.htmlIs it possible as an end user to update and try the new version to see if it fixes the issue?
Sorry for the bump, but this thread describes exactly our issue as well
Has anyone found a workaround for this? If there was a way to get the DNS Resolver to query the master and the slave then i'd be fine with that until isc-dhcp is able to sync the client-hostnames properly, but i couldn't get it to work for me unfortunately
The hostnames sync properly on 2.4. I haven't tried 2.3.3-p1 but they use the same version of the ISC DHCP server so it should work there, too.
Thanks jimp! We are running 2.3.3-p1 and it unfortunately does not appear to work as expected. Do you know of any up to date documentation for setting up DHCP/DDNS specifically in a HA environment, seems some of the config fields are a bit ambiguous and it is entirely possible I set it up incorrectly? I've been using pfSense for years, but this is the first time trying to setup DHCP/DDNS with dual WAN + HA and it's been more difficult than every other aspect of pfSense I've had experience with! I'm hesitant to upgrade to 2.4 on production machines and rather use that as a last resort if I can't get it to work on 2.3.3
None of that should matter, it hasn't changed in years.
As long as you have the failover peers configured and the two nodes show a proper normal/normal pool status that should be good enough.
We have been using CARP in a HA availability setup for years and have always had the same problem. The hostname is registered on one host but not the other. We have failover peers configured and a normal/normal pool status. We have been using a workaround which has it's own problems. I recently removed the workaround and we are still seeing the same issue. We are running 2.4.3_1. We would love to see a resolution to the problem.
The solution is right there. Set up a DDNS server off the firewall and have both nodes update that.
Locking this ancient thread.