Possible to have improved RRD Graphs?
I have seen a lot of great data from the RRD stand-alone package and just one glance at the gallery:
http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/gallery/index.en.html…is IMPRESSIVE.
Certainly there is a way to get even better graphs and data from RRD in pfSense, no?
The graphs are similar to what pfSense offers with the exception of the colour scheme.
You need to toggle the RRD graphs between inverse and absolute to get either filled or line graphs.
To change the colours of the graphed data, go to:
/usr/local/www/themes/<name of="" theme="" you="" are="" using="">/rrdcolors.inc.phpChange the colours for the graphs by editing the colour hex code in the arrays defined:
$colortrafficup = "666666"; $colortrafficdown = "990000"; $colorpacketsup = "666666"; $colorpacketsdown = "990000"; $colorstates = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorprocessor = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorqueuesup = array('000000','7B0000','990000','BB0000','CC0000','D90000','EE0000','FF0000','CC0000'); $colorqueuesdown = array('000000','7B7B7B','999999','BBBBBB','CCCCCC','D9D9D9','EEEEEE','FFFFFF','CCCCCC'); $colorqueuesdropup = array('000000','7B0000','990000','BB0000','CC0000','D90000','EE0000','FF0000','CC0000'); $colorqueuesdropdown = array('000000','7B7B7B','999999','BBBBBB','CCCCCC','D9D9D9','EEEEEE','FFFFFF','CCCCCC'); $colorqualityrtt = array('990000','a83c3c','b36666','bd9090','cccccc','000000'); $colorqualityloss = "ee0000"; $colorspamdtime = array('DDDDFF', 'AAAAFF', 'DDDDFF', '000066'); $colorspamdconn = array('00AA00BB', 'FFFFFFFF', '00660088', 'FFFFFF88', '006600');
This link should be helpful for finding replacement (web-safe) colour hex codes:
http://html-color-codes.com/</name> -
Thanks, and I'll look into this, but i'm not interested in only changing the look, but the graphs that are reported.
Any thoughts on this?
Theoretically possible if you write your own scripts & php page(s) to handle it.
Might be easier to use SNMP and setup a trap to capture the information and parse it into MRTG or RRD graphs (that's how those graphs in your example work but with a Cisco router instead). Not sure what the OIDs for pfSense correspond to though. You'll need to play around with this.
Hello all. I read that topic and tray to change some colors in file but after i refresh the browser noting is changed. Were i am wrong?