2.1p1-RELEASE version?
I recently bought a Netgate m1n1wall 2D3 and it came with:
2.1p1-RELEASE (i386)
instead of 2.1-RELEASE (i386) . Does anyone know what the difference is?
If I had to guess, it's a customized version of 2.1 made by NetGate. It probably either includes patch specific to them, is a snapshot build post-2.1, or perhaps both. If you need to download it for a reinstall then go here:
Jason is right. It is a custom build for Netgate that has a lot of specialized settings and other bells/whistles meant to make it perform its best on Netgate's hardware.
It is 2.1p1 because it was built after 2.1 and contained patches and other fixes from after 2.1. It wasn't 2.1.1 either (which is coming soon). The next release of both should be a bit closer in timing so it will most likely line up.
Is there going to be a tuned version of 2.1.2 or should the respective nanobsd build be used through a manual upgrade?
Yes, it should already be out if you have your Netgate device's update URL pointed to the right place.
Looks like I first tried before they were finishing building based on the timestamp. It tried using the normal image never truly completed. It is now showing as 2.1.2.
Thanks for all the hard work.
Update: I was able to get this to install on 2 netgate devices but a third tried to go to the normal 2.1.2 and didn't change, shows that it is 2.1p1 and says there is an update available but the update never applies. Let me know if there is any information or logs I can provide to help, or if I need to break this into its own thread.
a new version of the EC2 flavor hasn't been posted… what should be used there? Amazon's sent out notices that these need to be updated. thx.
Update: I was able to get this to install on 2 netgate devices but a third tried to go to the normal 2.1.2 and didn't change, shows that it is 2.1p1 and says there is an update available but the update never applies. Let me know if there is any information or logs I can provide to help, or if I need to break this into its own thread.
If you're still having issues, yes, please start your own thread with the info so it's easier to follow up.
a new version of the EC2 flavor hasn't been posted… what should be used there? Amazon's sent out notices that these need to be updated. thx.
Last I heard, there was a new image but it is waiting for Amazon's approval. You can't do an in-place firmware upgrade so you'll have to backup the config, move to the new AMI, and then restore the config.
Update: I was able to get this to install on 2 netgate devices but a third tried to go to the normal 2.1.2 and didn't change, shows that it is 2.1p1 and says there is an update available but the update never applies. Let me know if there is any information or logs I can provide to help, or if I need to break this into its own thread.
If you're still having issues, yes, please start your own thread with the info so it's easier to follow up.
Upon further digging the 2 that don't work are showing signs of a corrupted partition table. I will be replacing the compact flash cards in them. I don't see a need for a new thread currently. Thank you for your assistance and continued hard work.