SIP trunk multi wan state not flushed - issues - Solution?
about the issues of no flushing states on WAN IP change , on PFsense 2.1-RELEASE, after some searching around the forum, using precious information on the topic:
but not working in version 2.1 ("afterfilterchangeshellcmd" not working in config.xml anymore) , I find a "home made" solution working on the code and using one script as in the topic I said before, so:
Create a script in /usr/local/bin named:"" ( or as you want ) :
#!/bin/sh sleep 5 /sbin/pfctl -k VoipPBXorDevice_IP
Modified adding line 148:
My network configuration is :
1 LAN (local home network)with a mixed load balance and failover(only voip) configuration and sticky connections enabled.
Now my PBX ( based on freepbx-asterisk ) is working good and, looking at the states, when my WAN lines goes down&up everything about my PBX is cleared correctly.
It seems that default PFsense flushing is not enough but only killling them with pfctl is ok.
This is my case , hope that it can help anyone .