Slow upload on Android devices (edit: all devices)
Ah, well definitely check the antenna selection then. I belive the default setting is to use one connector for Tx and the other for Rx. If you have only the Tx antenna connected you may well see great signal strength at the wireless device end but almost nothing being received back. Not sure how that would affect usage. It usually ramps down the connection speed until it sees consistent traffic but if it's seing a huge signal coming in perhaps it keeps trying to move back to a faster rate.
I only have one antenna and setting the Tx and Rx to use the correct connector (and diversity disabled) gave a huge improvement.
Maybe that's it- I thought it was a choice of 1 antenna connected to either jack or 2 if you wanted a 1x1 vs. 2x2 and the Atheros card would auto-config.
So I should connect a second cable and antenna? Easily doable for about $30. I avoided a second cable because it would mean drilling holes in my case, which is short on space anyway. No big deal though.
The antenna is giving me about 46-53dBm on channel 1 (both tx and rx) and 60dBm on channel 2 according to a wifi analyser app.
Diversity is gone from 2.1? I couldn't find it.
I have an older Atheros wifi card but it's there in the settings for 2.1 on my home box.

Hmm, it's not there in my GUI. 2.1-RELEASE amd64 build.
Hmm, interesting. I'm running 32bit Nano but I wouldn't expect that to make any odds. Perhaps your card doesn't support that setting so the screen doesn't show it. As long as you have tx and rx set the same I can't imagine it makes much difference. Clearly from your test it's important to choose the correct antenna.
One thing I found interesting - despite WEP being disabled, the android wifi analyser app that I installed detects and reports my regular WPA2 network but also detects an unnamed WEP network from the same MAC. I wonder why/how that is being broadcast.
I also wonder what the point is of checking the hide SSSID option when all these wifi analyser tools can see it anyway.
Do you have the sysctls:
[2.1-RELEASE][]/root(3): sysctl -a|grep antenna dev.ath.0.txantenna: 1 dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 1 [2.1-RELEASE][]/root(4): sysctl -a | grep diver dev.ath.0.diversity: 0
I guess that means I need to change my rx antenna. I presume that the 0-offset sysctl numbers map to the 1-offset pfSense GUI …
In case it differs between configs (like the missing 'Diversity' setting), my pfSense antenna options for both tx and rx are:
#2 -
Quick google pointed me to this. A skim read indicates that I should look further into why my pfSense gui values differ from the sysctl values before I go setting things. There are also other values I have that differ from some of the values in that thread, so I will look into those too.
I had a look at man ath4 debugging and it pointed me towards an installed pfSense tool athstats. My output is:
I'm not sure what I should expect, but it seems like an awfully high rate of failures for various statistics.
This page might offer some suggestions. I'm wondering why as I mentioned earlier, the wifi sniffer app I installed finds an anonymous WEP access point broadcasting from my wifi card. I have WEP disabled in pfSense. I'm using channel 9. No other networks nearby are close. I think 6 and 12 are the closest channels and they are in the next houses. But the network rx graphs show an overlay of my named WPA2 network on channel 9 with the anonymous WEP network on the same channel, essentially mirroring each others' signal strengths. How can I diagnose/find/see/disable this network from pfSense? There is nothing shown by ifconfig. My config.xml files show tags but nothing between.
Here's the output of the wifi sniffer:
The red is my WPA2 network, the blue is the anonymous WEP network the sniffer sees.
I installed four other wifi analyser/sniffer apps. All but one detected the hidden WEP network.
I rebooted my pfSense box, hoping there would be some interface to the AR9280 in the bios where I could disable WEP but nothing.
As I said, there is nothing in pfSense's config.xml.
I wish all the wifi sniffers were wrong, but it would be a convenient explanation to my lost and delayed traffic. As you can see from the graph (and all the other graphs from the other tools) the WEP network signal strength is consistently stronger than my WPA2 network so it makes sense that WEP could be interfering.
I also have this hangover from when I first started messing around with a Nano build of pfSense. In file /etc/loader.conf.local
if_ath_pci_load="YES"I suspect none of that is required any more and I doubt it has an effect but you never know.
Ooo, interesting stuff. Here's my output from athstats:
[2.1-RELEASE][]/root(1): athstats athstats: ath0: Invalid argument athstats: ath0: Invalid argument 44570515 data frames received 23809533 data frames transmit 157053 tx frames with an alternate rate 17847009 long on-chip tx retries 3848293 tx failed 'cuz too many retries 40 stuck beacon conditions 54M current transmit rate 105752 tx stopped 'cuz no xmit buffer 7489 tx failed 'cuz dma buffer allocation failed 131452 tx frames with no ack marked 18653355 tx frames with short preamble 2453819 rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC 1 rx failed 'cuz decryption 18237535 rx failed 'cuz frame too short 118055 rx failed 'cuz of PHY err 2752 transmit override receive 11756 OFDM restart 103547 CCK restart 67353936 beacons transmitted 229918 periodic calibrations -0/+0 TDMA slot adjust (usecs, smoothed) 33 rssi of last ack 20 avg recv rssi -96 rx noise floor 5024844 tx frames through raw api 7489 raw tx failed 'cuz interface/hw down 18 rx failed 'cuz frame too large 51625 cabq frames transmitted 21221 cabq xmit overflowed beacon interval 1 switched default/rx antenna Antenna profile: [1] tx 19961028 rx 44570515
Also loads of failures but that's over some time (~80 days) and quite a lot of data. I also see errors in Status: Interfaces:
WIFI1 interface (ath0) Status up MAC address 00:11:f5:**:**:** IPv4 address Subnet mask IPv4 IPv6 Link Local fe80::211:f5ff:fe**:****%ath0_wlan0 Media autoselect mode 11g <hostap> Channel 8 SSID ******** BSSID b8:3e:**:**:**:** Rate 54M RSSI 15.0 In/out packets 11078538/18599609 (1.24 GB/21.94 GB) In/out packets (pass) 11078538/18599609 (1.24 GB/21.94 GB) In/out packets (block) 41613/1 (7.23 MB/48 bytes) In/out errors 1497/3638 Collisions 0</hostap>
Interesting that my 'antenna profile' lists only [1] out of what I assume is 0,1 or 2 even though I have connector 0 selected.
Edit: Also interesting is my ratio of Tx_retries vs total transmit frames. It looks like I have a very large number of retries which is probably because I'm in an area with many many other wifi networks.
I'd be interested if a wifi sniffer also indicates a WEP being broadcast from your card.
My antenna profile after rebooting still shows TX on [0] and RX on [1], despite my [1], [1] pfSense GUI wifi interface settings.
I emailed Adrian Chadd to ask his opinion. I'm not sure how interested he will be in an 8.3-based OS but he would probably have some insight that's beyond my random guesses.
Using Wifi Analyzer in Andorid, which looks like what you're using, I see no hidden WEP networks.
Adrian is a busy man, he's almost single handedly responsible for all the Atheros code you see in FreeBSD, but he does have a presence here on the forum. No idea how often he checks in.
Looks like your last post got eaten by BB code but I assume your TX antenna profile was not 1?
Ah yeah, I guess```
[0]Adrian replied in like 2 seconds with lots of helpful suggestions … but then checked and basically said (paraphrasing) it's not worth too much bother on 2.1 since he did heaps of fixes for FreeBSD 9.x. So bring on 2.2 I guess. In order to test my phantom WEP issues, the best bet would be to install FreeBSD on a laptop or whatever with an Atheros card and capture packets, but I don't have access to any suitable hardware. I'll ask at work tomorrow or I have an old Netbook somewhere with battery issues that I might be able to disassemble and hook up to power.
The first thing I would do is power up the card without an OS and see if perhaps there is something in cards firmware that's defaulting to a WEP host.
Can you see the MAC address of the WEP AP? Is it definitely the same card? Perhaps some other device like a phone running a hotspot server?
Adrian replied in like 2 seconds with lots of helpful suggestions …
Well you've gone straight to the source of knowledge there so anything I say is totally obsolete! ;) A man I already held in high esteem has just risen further. You've got to love open source software when things like that happen. :)
How can I power up the card without an OS? It's a half mini-PCIe card on my Jetway motherboard. There's absolutely no interface to it, as far as I'm aware.
Yeah, the MAC address is the same. I had a quick browse through lots of the /var/log logs and nothing to do with WEP at all. In fact, I suspect pfSense has no awareness of it and it's coming direct from hardware.
What I might do, since my curiousity is piqued, is buy another Atheros card since they're cheap enough and stick it in the PC and run FreeBSD Live, since I've already got Windows and Ubuntu and I don't need another full OS install, and then try and see what Adrian can tell me from a packet capture run.
One thing Adrian did recommend was to hook up a second antenna. I will do that for sure.