Does pfsense now do web filtering well?
I've been using pfsense for years and am getting more interested in web filtering. I played around with untangle and they have a really nice https filtering proxy that even filters google images.
Is this possible with pfsense?
There are packages for both SquidGuard and Dansguardian. I'd be surprised if Untangle is not using one (or both) of the same…
Both of these packages are not for beginners, even with a good tutorial i had lots of problems with dansguardian
Both of these packages are not for beginners, even with a good tutorial i had lots of problems with dansguardian
Even after 1 year you can still qualify as a beginner. I do, since I removed squid and squidguard as they were doing more bad than good. And most point/click'-'tutorials' don't go beyond how to install the packages. If I may: the GUI is most excellent and fool proof, no need for such a kind of tutorial ;D