PfSense: http/https Filtering + Port Forwarding + Bridge + Captive Portal
Hi Im new to pfSense, installed 2.1.1 and im stuck in what to do next. I used to have untangle installed in my network and is trying out pfSense.
What I need is the firewall to be transparent (bridge) and has captive portal function. Lastly I do want http/https filtering to make sure users inside does not go to porn sites. Since I have 2 servers within the network, I also need port forwarding function.Can anybody direct me to some howtos or guide on what I need to do?
http/https filtering:
Port Forward: very easy, menu - firewall > NAT > first tab Port Forward -
http/https filtering:
Port Forward: very easy, menu - firewall > NAT > first tab Port ForwardHi,
I cant seem to find how to do captive portal at the same time configure the WAN-LAN to be under bridge/transparent mode…. the video only shows the proxy aspect, which I was able to follow.