Package Open-VM-Tools installation error
I am unable to install the "Open-VM-Tools" package on the latest amd64 snapshot.
Downloading ... (extracting) Verifying Checksum...SKIP_ARCHLINES: 65 Archive checksum: f875797959062d0d30f30a331335c6948dfc4b8cbcdeaf126192c5a765421ed9 Saved checksum: 686e6d9baeed5b3a0d8a86e052e04b17c42443fbf1c9d30410001e37ef7814cd ERROR: /tmp/apkg_open-vm-tools-nox11-1280544_4-amd64.pbi failed checksum, the archive may be corrupt. of open-vm-tools-nox11-1280544_4-amd64 failed!
2.2-ALPHA (amd64)
built on Wed Apr 16 18:14:39 CDT 2014
FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE -
Do the following on the pfSense box either the box itself or SSH:
1\. fetch 2\. pbi_add --no-checksig -f open-vm-tools-nox11-1280544_4-amd64.pbi 3\. add the package from the pfSense Web Interface, and it'll install
Thank you, pfSense2User! With this I successfully installed open VM tools.
However, ESXi still reports that the tools are not installed. pfSense's reboot didn't help the situation.
I have the same issue. I also noticed that on upgrade to the latest snap today, I got this in the console:
Installing Open-VM-Tools and its dependencies.ERROR can't find installed pbi (open-vm-tools-1280544_4-amd64)
It then proceeds to count 10%,20% etc upwards. So i certainly finds something.
But still shows as not installed.
So I know this is a little late to the thread here, but I am experiencing the same problem with the open-vm-tools package failing on install in the GUI due to "no digital signature". I was able to force install with pbi_install and the –no-checksig option and verified the install with pbi_info, however the #3 instruction to attempt install from the gui again fails for the same reason as above.
Is there anyway to install from the gui with the --no-checksig option? Or something simple I'm missing here. Thanks
*Running pfsense 2.2 on ESXi
Is there anyway to install from the gui with the –no-checksig option? Or something simple I'm missing here. Thanks
System: Advanced: Miscellaneous: Package settings: Package signature: Do NOT check package signature
Exactly what I was missing then, worked like a charm. Thanks!