Squidguard LOG and ERROR message
28.05.2014 14:12:06 http://store.steampowered.com/ Request(default/blk_BL_hobby_games-online/-) - GET REDIRECT
ERROR message
Client address:
Client group: default
Target group: blk_BL_hobby_games-online
URL: http://store.steampowered.com/My PROBLEM = THE CLIENT address / IP all the same in all PC I used for test..
how to resolved this? I want to know who/which PC / IP tried to access restricted sites.
Do you have some other router inside your network that is doing NAT? Maybe a wireless AP/router that is hiding hosts?
pfSense is reporting the IP address that it sees. If that IP address is wrong, then something else on your local network is hiding the actual IP addresses using NAT or similar.
Do you have some other router inside your network that is doing NAT? Maybe a wireless AP/router that is hiding hosts?
pfSense is reporting the IP address that it sees. If that IP address is wrong, then something else on your local network is hiding the actual IP addresses using NAT or similar.
thanks JIMP
I have a DLINK router between my pfsensebox and clients…. PFbox > DLINKrouter > Clients
the is the internet IP of DLINKRouter from PF DHCP...
so how can I resolve this?
this is solved. please close. thanks to all