DPI and pfsense
L7 Filter is surprisingly poor at identifying most common applications used on the Internet today:
http://wand.net.nz/content/case-against-l7-filterI want to replace l7-filter in pfsense with ntop nDPI. I want to know how l7-filter is integrated with pfsense. Can you help me? is there any kernel module?
Thanks in advance -
If you haven't yet, take a look here:
https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Traffic_Shaping_Guide#Layer_7 and here:
http://www3.di.uminho.pt/~prh/uce15-0809/g13.pdfThe pfSense core repo is publicly available, but you will need to follow the licensing procedure here in order to gain access to the pfSense tools repo. It has the pfSense build tools and also the substantial differences from the FreeBSD codebase: