Packages wishlist?
I'd love to see a "Test Settings" package. For example, you go to the package, and set a timer or date to test settings until. It backs up your current config to a location, and adds a cronjob or something to reapply your "old" config at the end of the timer and reboot. That way, if you're testing out some new rules, packages, or traffic shaping and something goes horribly wrong or you get locked out, you just need to wait out the timer to get back to your known good configuration.
I think it would be very handy for making changes remotely, where you're logged in through SSH or VPN and you could easily lose the ability to reconnect accidentally.
Monit for customized monitoring and alerting. This would be a solid addition to PFSense in an area where it is lacking; customized alerting and reporting.
It is also a great package that could replace many other packages as far as functionality. Fully open source/Unix compatible, compatible license (GNU/AGPL) and would add to the reliability and value of PFSense if integrated properly. -
Squid 3.3.4 - 3.1 is pretty dated now
Squid 3.3.4 - 3.1 is pretty dated now
It's almost done.
take a look on this thread,58368.0.html and help on the bounty ;D
This would seem like an ideal candidate to include in pfSense:
Actually a forum wishlist: make sub-sections for each package under the Packages section.
It's pretty hard to browse all relevant threads relevant to a particular package, it would be easier to have these threads grouped.
That would also make it easier for maintainers to have a quick look if there's activity, and for users to see if a package is alive. -
With the kind of ever-increasing big-brother mentality on the internet, having TOR on as many routers as possible would make things a lot better. Fighting against big brother politically is important, but in the mean time, it's also helpful to use technology… -
Actually a forum wishlist: make sub-sections for each package under the Packages section.
I would like to see that too. Maybe as part of updating SMF?
Having a subsection in the forum would also make it a bit easier to get a feel for the stability of packages.
Actually a forum wishlist: make sub-sections for each package under the Packages section.
I would like to see that too. Maybe as part of updating SMF?
Having a subsection in the forum would also make it a bit easier to get a feel for the stability of packages.
I guess that creating a sub-forum for each and every pfSense package might be a bit too much, but perhaps a sub-forum for the "tier-1" packages (snort, squid, haproxy/varnish etc) or for 4-5 main "categories" ids/ips (snort etc), proxy/rev.proxy (squid, haproxy, varnish), monitoring (zabbix, nrpe), L7 filtering (squidguard, dansguardian), routing (openbgp, quagga) etc
- privoxy (loop back content filter)
privoxy is offered in an adblock/pornblock/virus/filter how to in the forum,57916.0.html- PBX in a flash
imho more attractive than merely freeswitch
there are numerous threads on pbx in a flash forums on how to install with pfsense. It would be easier as a package
Track Me Not
currently released as a browser extension for firefox and chromium
it's a "counter intelligence" interweb tool that is not only for the tinfoil hatter club
export settings to one/all of part of the AWS Free Usage Tier, you can get started with Amazon S3 for free. Upon sign-up, new AWS customers receive 5 GB of Amazon S3 standard storage, 20,000 Get Requests, 2,000 Put Requests, and 15GB of data transfer out each month for one year.
additionally amazon customers receive free 5 GB storage s3 (not in addition to the free tier, but also not limited to one year of freeness) and separately 5 FB storage clouddrive
(there's also a free year of EC2 in which one may run PBX in a Flash until it's a package for pfSense) ;)
XMPP server (Jabber)
I would prefer either/both
http://tigase.organd a gui for managing server extensions
some guru way to discourage protracted non-OTR encrypted conversations?
SIPsorcery (it doesn't do RTP) you wanted to add more VoiceGateways to your Obihai (or other ATA) this would be one option, and less costly self hosted. Aaron has made the source f/OSS. (I never use googlevoice or other google properties; to cut down on headaches don't try to maintain GV functionality)
Given the some of the recent feedback regarding problems with using BGP under pfSense, based on this discussion at the freebsd-net mailing list, it seems that bird might be the answer … -
HAProxy-devel also supports SSL, but is not ready for production and also SNI could be an issue.
So I request a package for Stud ( is a lightweight and easy to configure proxy which can coexist with HAProxy to support SSL and SNI for production servers. Thanks!
Since Snort is single-threaded, wouldn't it be nice to include a package for suricata ( which supports mutli-threaded processing?
Since Snort is single-threaded, wouldn't it be nice to include a package for suricata ( which supports mutli-threaded processing?
Looks like a great one. I also think the non-proprietary nature would make it a better fit, and with more and more GPU-power, CUDA support could make quite a difference in CPU load and allow for better utilization of existing hardware.
Also, Snort, over the past, seems to have been rather fickle, and quite the resource hog. Anything that's more efficient and less picky or easier to configure would be a good step forward. -
would love to have freeswitch