Packages wishlist?
This could be good, we can do some testing for you.
As far as I could tell I couldn't find this for pfSense so someone correct me if I am wrong.
Ages ago I used to play in the Smoothwall side of things and one package I really loved was the modem monitor package. Simply put it logged modem signal stats over time and graphed them.
Really itching to see this in pfSense.
I'm currently working on an alternative to squid/dansguardian/squidguard that uses a commercial categorization engine.
In about 2 weeks time we will be looking for a few beta testers of this package.
Features will include:
- node.js based http proxy/dns filter
- Commercial based categorization engine
- HTTP filtering based on categories
- DNS filtering based on categories
- AD integration
- Fully customizable block/login/tos pages
We will be looking for feedback and bug reporting.
If you would be interested in participating in this test, please let me know.
JamesThe demo of this is ready, if anyone is interested in testing it out let me know.
James I would be interested if your still looking for testers
If someone could package sysutils/xe-guest-utilities for me that would be great. I know nothing of the pfSense packaging, but maintain/developed the port. The port is very simple – a couple shell scripts -- and just requires a daemon start/stop. It also has very few dependencies.
This is going to be extremely important for virtualizing pfSense 2.2 on Citrix XenServer
Thank you!
ACL Custom rules for squid, the GUI is to limit.
I have to manually edit the internal files :-). -
The nginx will be packaged in the feature? We are using as reverse proxy for http and https with multiple applications and multiple backend host (tomcat, apache, thin).
Kind Regards,
Zoltan -
In the future, Id like to see a package for installing DNScrypt.
Hi All!
Wish "logstash-forwarder" ( in the packages.
Wish make dreams come true :)
Hi All!
Wish "logstash-forwarder" ( in the packages.
Wish make dreams come true :)
It is coming soon as a part of Suricata to enable JSON logging to ELK. Have not finalized how to actually implement it, though. Could be a better move to make it an independent package that other packages could utilize when it is detected.
I can get to run just not make a package for it.
2.2-RC (amd64)
built on Wed Dec 31 07:14:09 CST 2014
FreeBSD pfSense.localdomain 10.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p3 #0 8bdb2f8(releng/10.1)-dirty: Wed Dec 31 07:51:59 CST 2014 root@pfsense-22-amd64-builder:/usr/obj.amd64/usr/pfSensesrc/src/sys/pfSense_SMP.10 amd64I installed the latest by copy and untar and then point my broswer but this is all manual.. wish was included as a package..
with latest version you can watch from you andriod or Iphone see details of all kinds of stuff. there is more that this does but I just not modify the standard config file to show I think
If someone can make this a package with a config page to modify the options or anything like that I would love it. maybe when more money I make I will donate to them.
I can show someone how to install this if they are interested .. Manually of course. I don't have time to learn how to make packages yet.
of course what I show is my android phone and computer screens.. they are very bare in details compare to what this can show you. There is couple plugins that pull details like temps and other battery backups and other good information that you can see from remote if you setup right.
![Snap 2015-01-01 at 23.37.09.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Snap 2015-01-01 at 23.37.09.png)
![Snap 2015-01-01 at 23.37.09.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Snap 2015-01-01 at 23.37.09.png_thumb)
![2015-01-01 23.34.32.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/2015-01-01 23.34.32.png)
![2015-01-01 23.34.32.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/2015-01-01 23.34.32.png_thumb) -
It is coming soon as a part of Suricata to enable JSON logging to ELK. Have not finalized how to actually implement it, though. Could be a better move to make it an independent package that other packages could utilize when it is detected.
I am very excited about this feature also. Being able to visualize Suricata in ELK will be AWESOME! Wish I had more knowledge so I could help…
It is coming soon as a part of Suricata to enable JSON logging to ELK. Have not finalized how to actually implement it, though. Could be a better move to make it an independent package that other packages could utilize when it is detected.
I am very excited about this feature also. Being able to visualize Suricata in ELK will be AWESOME! Wish I had more knowledge so I could help…
I am working now on a logstash-forwarder package for pfSense. I decided to make it a standalone package that can siphon logs from anything configured to log on the pfsense firewall. Realize, though, that logstash-forwarder is just that: a forwarder daemon. It won't have any pretty charts on pfSense. It will simply collect logs and ship them off via a SSL connection to a designated Logstash host someplace. You will still need to provide your own host and of course client for viewing the pretty charts and data in the ELK combo.
There will be a simple GUI for configuring the forwarder on pfSense, but it will just be for importing SSL keys and selecting which logs to forward.
I am working now on a logstash-forwarder package for pfSense. I decided to make it a standalone package that can siphon logs from anything configured to log on the pfsense firewall. Realize, though, that logstash-forwarder is just that: a forwarder daemon. It won't have any pretty charts on pfSense. It will simply collect logs and ship them off via a SSL connection to a designated Logstash host someplace. You will still need to provide your own host and of course client for viewing the pretty charts and data in the ELK combo.
There will be a simple GUI for configuring the forwarder on pfSense, but it will just be for importing SSL keys and selecting which logs to forward.
Thanks for working on this!
It would be great. If you need any help testing let me know. I have a fully functioning ELK environment with lumberjack ready to go.
I have a current setup to move the Suricata eve.json file over through some scripts but logstash-forwarder is definitely the way to go.
My wishlist. simple package for installing DNSCrypt on pfsense.
Manual instalation steps for smokeping
What is it?
sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client.Probes for HTTP, SSL, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, XMPP are implemented, and any other protocol that can be tested using a regular expression, can be recognised. A typical use case is to allow serving several services on port 443 (e.g. to connect to ssh from inside a corporate firewall, which almost never block port 443) while still serving HTTPS on that port.
Hence sslh acts as a protocol demultiplexer, or a switchboard. Its name comes from its original function to serve SSH and HTTPS on the same port.
sslh supports IPv6, privilege dropping, transparent proxying, and more.
sslh has been packaged for Debian, Gentoo, FreeBSD and many other operating systems…
Custom email notification upon system log match would be a great addition.
An updated and working Asterisk package.