Question in Routing in pfsense and "default gateway" option
hi all ,
just want to ask a question
wts the difference if i put default route in the routing table
when i check to enable default gateway @ the wan interface level ????
wt does that mean ??
wts the diffrence between them ???
im really confused , when i type
netstat -rni dont see default route in my routing table but althoug , i can access my wan from remote subnets ??!!!!
dont understand why ? how could the pfsense respond me and no default route in the routing tablle ?
does checking the default gateway @ the wan interface option sufficient ??!!
i must be confusing something :o :o :o
wish to get hep and let my issue clear
may this helps ,
mu question is :wts the differnece between "default" and "" in the routing table below ???
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire0.0.0.0/1 UGS 0 5929 ovpnc2 =>
default UGS 0 4197 le1