Dual lan fail over problem
I have 2 wan connections wan1 & wan2 .I configured pf sense in fail over mode.It is working properly.But my problem is i want to set wan1 as default.When wan1 fails it automatically transfer traffic to wan2.But when wan1 become alive it will not come back until wan2 fail.
what i need is traffic should come back to wan1 when wan1(default connection) alive even wan2 is alivepls help me in this
did you follow http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Multi_WAN_/_Load_Balancing ?
yes,here fail over is working.To me wan1 is the high speed connection.I wish to make it as default connection.When it fails we can move to wan2.But when wan1 come back I want to switch automatically to wan1.(now it is coming back only if wan2 fails)
Could you provide a a screenshot of your pools and screenshot of your firewall rules in which you use the pools ?
You simply need to reverse the gateways in the failover group. Make sure the type is set to failover and not load balance.
Also, you should be on 1.2-RC4 if you are not already.