Running Multiple PfSense Routers
Good morning.
I have been creeping on google and this for forum for some time and cant seem to find what I am looking for. I am about to finish building my MaxTerm 8300 machine with an 80gig HDD and 512MB of RAM. I want to run this as my primary Gateway. The Dual Intel NIC will have an ALIX 2D3 connected on each port; and will look something like this:Switch –- LAN / NAS
Alix 2d3
Modem --------- MaxTerm 8300 Wifi APs
Alix 2d3 --- Switch --- Servers (Apache|Minecraft)/ Virtual machines.Any tips and possible howto's on how to do this? My primary concern is, to ensure that I do no create any choke points in this configuration.
I wish to learn to take full advantage of the pfsense software.Critisism is welcome and I am open to suggestions. ;D
why would you want to put multiple routers ?
it just complicates things with no benefit (judging by your schematic) -
Im focusing on isolating my primary home network from my servers. I know that pfsense can separate networks internally, but I wanted to have two separate networks (with their own dhcp and dns) sharing one gateway.
you could just seperate the networks with own dhcp and dns one 1 pfsense and something todo dns ….
I see a few issues here. First, you are going to be seriously CPU bound between your 4 networks (LAN, Wifi, Servers, and infrastructure) as the Alix boxes can't even max out a 100Mbit/s line in one direction. Second, to echo another poster, this is needlessly complicated.
^Exactly. No need for three routers unless you have some other physical restriction we don't know about.