Jetway JNC9KDL
hello I'm new to pfsense and I was wondering if this atom board any good for pfsense? its ether this board or I spend £10 more for a Intel pentium duel core 3GHZ and a mother board with unnecessary crap on it.
thanks for the help
Can't really answer without knowing what you want to do …. WAN bandwidth, VPNs, number of users, etc.
I have a number of systems with that D2550 CPU; they work great for what I need. You may have to use pfSense 2.2 in order to support that version of the Realtek LAN chips (RTL8111EVL ?)
thanks for replying well its only for my personal use and about 5 servers:
file server, media server, web server (development) and 2 game servers (development)
My WAN connection is 24Mb down and 10Mb up
I can't speak for that exact motherboard, but I do have the D2700 (2.13GHz) version that I run pfsense on. I've had it running for about 2 years now. My only issue with it is the CPU will not run a 64 bit OS. I was also forced to use the beta version when I first set it up 2 years ago because the current stable version (2 years ago) did have network drivers for that motherboard. The drivers are there in the current stable 2.1.3 version. I have it running OpenVPN, DNS, DHCP, NTP, pfBlocker and a few other packages and have used it on a cable ISP from 50-150 Mbps. It handles everything I've thrown at it very will for a 10W CPU. I don't think the slightly lower speed of the CPU would make that much of a difference.
I can't speak for that exact motherboard, but I do have the D2700 (2.13GHz) version that I run pfsense on. I've had it running for about 2 years now. My only issue with it is the CPU will not run a 64 bit OS.
What? 64bit pfSense works fine on D2550, and the D2700 has the same feature set (minus the built in GPU). They both lack the intel virtualization capabilities, perhaps that's what you were thinking of.
The two D2700 boards I have will not allow a 64-bit OS to install. I've tried with Windows, different versions of Ubuntu and pfSense. The boards are from different manufactures, but both purchased at the same time. Every OS tells me the same thing, it says the hardware does not support 64-bit software.