So after seeing a few posts in here about people having issues with HFSC , I am starting to wonder how well PRIQ will work in a LAN party setting where you are dealing with high packet traffic and large amounts of traffic in general.
Anyone used PRIQ in such a setting or similar? Since PRIQ does not care about bandwidth amounts and goes by priority , just wondering how well it would work compared to HFSC.
I think I have HFSC working well but at times it does feel like it "loses its mind" for lack of a better term.
You probably saw the post from JimP about how the PfSense guys are now recommending PRIQ over HFSC. He said that their experience shows that PRIQ seems to serve just as well as HFSC for the majority of their customers, without all the config hassles. I've made the switch and haven't noticed any problems.
Would you be willing to share your PRIQ config?
I already sent it to you but it's stupid-simple. I just ran through the wizard.
Okay. thanks though for sending it. Appreciate it. :)
So after testing , I think I am going to stick with HFSC. In my environment , the LAN party mode , HFSC gives me better control I feel than PRIQ.
I can see where PRIQ for business applications , works out better.
just my 2cents. YMVV.
Again anyone interested in HFSC for LAN party setups feel free to use my configs I have posted and I will try and answer any questions as well.
I also use PRTG with Netflow v9 to monitor with PFSense.
One isn't always better than the other, but for most, PRIQ does a better job. If your WAN quality degrades fast when the bandwidth usage increases (e.g. what you find on 3G type nets) then HFSC may be best.
Since most all of the settings are the same aside from the scheduler type, there's little harm in trying it both ways so long as you remember to reset states between tests.
Hi sideout,
I'm hoping you can help me out here.
I'm trying to use HFSC for specifically two or maybe three reasons only;
First I want to slow down bittorent i.e give it the least of priority such that when anyone is using the connection for any other purpose, bittorrent will be snail slow.
Secondly i need to give general web browsing i.e http, https first priority.
Thirdly, I would like to give media streaming i.e audio & video (including youtube) low priority so as to come after general web browsing.I dont know how possible this is but I just tried with HFSC and its like I dont understand how to achieve this since i ended up slowing down everything so I had to remove the shaper.
I have not tried PRIQ, I just tried HFSC because that is what came up as default.
Any guidance or recommendations will be highly appreciated.
Did you read any of the previous replies to this thread? HFSC is harder to configure, and if you don't know what you're doing then you shouldn't use it. Use PRIQ. Go through the wizard again with a PRIQ shaper instead of HFSC.
Did you read any of the previous replies to this thread? HFSC is harder to configure, and if you don't know what you're doing then you shouldn't use it. Use PRIQ. Go through the wizard again with a PRIQ shaper instead of HFSC.
True; I couldn't get it to work. I called in WIFE (the love of my life). 't's working now ;D
Trying to use HFSC with bittorrent and streaming media can be frustrating. They are hard to shape due to many reasons that you can find on this forum.
Go with PRIQ , set priorities and then use a limiter as well to help restrict what you want to restrict.
You can try my HFSC setups I have on the forums but again they are not optimized for restricting bittorrent and streaming media. They are geared for LAN party configurations where allowing max bandwidth for gaming is the overall goal.