Strange port use when browsing
I don't know if this is the right forum.
But when i look at the data usage of my users, is see that some people are browsing the internet with strainge port numbers, somthing like port number 53120 is this normal.
I bloked these ports, but some people are saying that they can't browse the internet.The users are using Android tablets, and windows laptops.
Is this normal behavior or is here somthing strainge going on.
see below for data usage, i realy know they are only browsing the internet:
TCP ports
(1-30 of 188)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
52811 163,434,283 4,565,080 167,999,363 0
52590 94,515,200 4,602,668 99,117,868 0
57425 81,841,055 2,220,300 84,061,355 0
53215 63,058,488 1,828,612 64,887,100 0
57473 43,972,156 1,197,779 45,169,935 0
55727 40,649,920 1,770,312 42,420,232 0
56783 24,869,067 1,073,027 25,942,094 0
57510 17,315,492 462,890 17,778,382 0
56555 12,217,916 395,714 12,613,630 0
60516 9,010,432 275,756 9,286,188 0
57468 8,292,924 215,995 8,508,919 0
57899 8,102,366 111,246 8,213,612 0
60509 6,086,697 227,614 6,314,311 0
53047 5,247,632 132,971 5,380,603 0
53664 4,041,364 122,632 4,163,996 0
57877 3,863,801 72,788 3,936,589 0
54809 3,103,493 500,268 3,603,761 0
53438 3,303,536 107,600 3,411,136 0
51129 2,331,016 853,758 3,184,774 0
52309 2,861,661 105,092 2,966,753 0
51848 2,705,500 28,034 2,733,534 0
52046 2,671,432 30,480 2,701,912 0
52048 2,647,938 28,157 2,676,095 0
52042 2,569,585 59,983 2,629,568 0
52041 1,922,242 41,891 1,964,133 0
53091 1,762,881 45,135 1,808,016 0
59545 1,712,686 58,668 1,771,354 0
59512 1,699,324 41,284 1,740,608 0
59514 1,690,208 40,108 1,730,316 0
57505 1,528,560 48,182 1,576,74 -
Are referring to the source port?
If yes, then this is normal and you will break everything if you block it.
The destination port is what you should be looking at.
The source port is a random number from 1024-65535 -
the destination is always 80, that is http, so i need to leave it.
and it was my fault to block it :)