VPN Ipsec : random disconnections
Hi guys,
I have a virtual machine with pfsennse 2.1.4-RELEASE which manages my different networks.
I configured 8 vpn tunnels to my different sites.
Everything has worked during some months. Since a few weeks, VPNs randomly disconnects.
When it is happened I can't make it UP from pfsense side. I need to disconnect it from remote side, then VPN is automatically up.
The VPN seems to be UP from remote side and DOWN from pfsense side.
I have the same problem with 3 of 4 VPNs (remote fixed & dynamic IP) with netasq & zyxel firewall.
It really happens randomly….Please find below some logs from pfsense :
racoon: [XXXXX]: [REMOTE IP] ERROR: error message: '"Could not find acceptable proposal C'.
racoon: ERROR: "REMOTE IP" give up to get IPsec-SA due to time up to wait.
racoon: [XXXXX]: INFO: initiate new phase 2 negotiation: pfsense IP[500]<=>REMOTE IP[500]
racoon: [XXXXX]: [REMOTE IP] ERROR: notification NO-PROPOSAL-CHOSEN received in informational exchange.
racoon: [XXXXX]: [REMOTE IP] ERROR: error message: '"Could not find acceptable proposal 1Q1'.Remote error :
If someone can help me it would be great :)
Thanks in advance
Problem solved?
I changed the timeout of the VPN both sides and it works better. It happens less times but still problems sometimes. I need to disconnect it from remote side, then VPN is automatically up.
Really strange…